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Steel & Vinyl Seawalls

Seawalls, Spillways, Boulder Walls & more!

Steel and Galvanized Steel Seawalls

(high pressure system)
These seawalls are considered the strongest and most effective solution for excessive ice pressure.  Due to the probability of penetrating the material farther into the lake Bottom, tensile strength of the material, the welding and bolting of the iron cap and interlocking sheets, steel seawalls provide comfort in decision making due to the strength of the components. (Priced High) 

Vinyl Seawalls

(medium pressure system)
Vinyl seawalls will provide excellent cosmetics and durability in situations where ice pressure will not bank up the wall. Due to the limitations of durable capping systems and the softness of material, ice can bank up the wall and strip the timber and aluminum caps vertically off the sheet piling. (Priced High-medium)

Boulder Seawalls

(medium-low pressure systems)
Boulder Seawalls provide a more natural cosmetic appearance and should be used in medium to low ice pressure and wave action areas. Due to dependence of the weight of material to deter ice pressure vs. structures that are anchored and penetrate the Lake Bottom boulders can move and create maintenance if placed in the incorrect areas of lake frontages.  Additionally, boulders do not interlock, placed in high wave action areas soil can migrate between the stones and cause slumping of the upper shoreline soils. (Priced High-Medium)


(low pressure system)
Rip-rap represents a more environmental friendly shoreline by providing crevices for habitat as well as ingress and egress for waterfowl and amphibians.  Additionally, all seawalls must now have rip-rap installed at the toe of the new wall as mitigation for the new structure. Rip-rap is also very cosmetically pleasing to the eye.


(low pressure system)

Bio-Engineering is a process of shore protection that utilizes vegetation and sometimes is incorporated with rip-rap or core logs to stabilize the shoreline and protect against minor erosion.  The Bio-Engineering process is best used in (low) pressure areas such as western shorelines with minimal wave action and no ice pressure.

Streams and rivers are also great applicants for this type of erosion control, but the correct vegetation is needed for long term success.